Archive | January 2013

[Manic Monday] Engage Through Digital, Sell Through Digital And Physical

The digital entertainment landscape in Indonesia has been shaping up pretty quickly the past year. E-commerce becoming more widespread, growth of smartphone penetration and app usage, and more ways to do transactions online. Social media has grown an industry on top of it, fuelled by brands and products who want to make sure they are talked about in the social networks where more and more people find information firsthand before looking at other media – also by a new generation of entrepreneurs, either by creating new products on top of the social networks, or by capitalising fame or notoriety of themselves or other people.

Yet the ‘digital renaissance’ hasn’t really arrived yet for entertainment services as it more or less has for similar products overseas – of the many international music services available elsewhere, only Nokia MusicDeezer and iTunes have opened up shop in Indonesia, and out of that three, perhaps Nokia is the only one with local presence and some activities to push the music service beyond simply putting up promo banners on their sites.

Read the rest of the post on Dailysocial.

[Manic Monday] My Wishlist: Digital Entertainment in Indonesia, 2013

This is my first post in 2013 – so I thought it would be fitting to jot down a few things that I hope will happen in 2013 in the digital entertainment scene here. 2012 has certainly been an interesting year – international music services like iTunes and Deezer finally arrived, the much-adored (by industry players, at least) RBT is somewhat ‘resurrected‘, and of course, perhaps many other things that has not shown its importance yet. Of course, this list is very subjective.

You’ll have to read the list over on Dailysocial 😀