Archive | August 2012

[Manic Monday] Where Next For Ramadhan-Themed Digital Entertainment?

I don’t think anyone can deny it anymore – Ramadhan, aside from being the holiest month for Muslims around the world, is also a big month for businesses. Businesses can initiate special Ramadhan packages and discounts (especially food and beverages), and the clothing stores break out Muslim-themed collections and capitalize on the fact that most people (in Indonesia, at least) want to buy something new for Lebaran. And of course, Lebaran cakes are everywhere!


The entertainment industry hasn’t skipped a beat on this. The Ramadhan season can be the most challenging – and most rewarding – times of the year. TV arguably has the highest ratings around Maghrib (sunset, when Muslims break their fast and can start to eat) as even restaurants in malls will rely on the TV to wait for the adzan call. And for the past 10 years, sahur time on TV (when Muslims eat an earlier breakfast before sunrise) has changed from a solemn affair to an all-out entertainment bonanza, complete with live quizzes, cabarets and comedy shows – which advertisers will gladly pay for, of course.

Read the rest of the post on Dailysocial.

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[Manic Monday] Your Next Paycheck Might Not Be From Digital

I’m a casual fan of the White Shoes And The Couples Company. I love their music and try to collect all their albums, but not to the point where I try to keep myself updated with everything they do. The albums are always great and refreshing, and the live shows are never a disappointment, whenever I have the chance of watching them. And every time they have the chance to go overseas and play, they always take the time to record some audio or video to offer to their fans.

I came to their ‘Six Live Selection’ event last Friday (August 10,2012) at W Space, Kemang, Jakarta. It was a small event with around 150-200 people present, and we paid Rp 20,000 for tickets; there was an obligatory merchandise stand as well inside, selling limited edition t-shirts, tote bags and numbered CDs (they only printed 200).

Read the rest of the post on Dailysocial.

[Manic Monday] Would You Pay For Content, Or Access?

I almost always start my articles with an “old world” comparison – you know, when the only media you consumed was in pre-defined formats from the producer’s choosing (and obvious profit). And then I would go on that since the internet age, things have turned more or less upside down, changing the game, with or without the producer’s consent. And then I’d go on to explain the various possibilities of making sure this “internetz” thing works for you, your band, your movie or your business.

The reason I always elaborate the differences, is because it’s just that different. If you wanted to listen to a song, it was either wait for it to be played on the radio, or go out and buy the single or album. A value chain of controlled access to content was created; something free but limited, then something else not free but relatively more accessible. In the physical world, purchasing content and purchasing access to music, movies, games or other entertainment products was the same thing.

Read the rest of the post on Dailysocial.